Thursday, January 10, 2013

TNA Impact Wrestling 1/10/2013 Review

TNA Impact Wrestling 1/10/2013 Review

Sting, Angle and Samoa Joe came out:
"Sunday, Doc, I'll be looking for youuuuu." - Sting
Sting said he brought his friend black bat and shooter(Angle or Joe) and another name that I forgot.
"When you get in this ring and in my face, Joe is gonna beat you down and chunk you out." - Samoa Joe
"In 2013, I made a promise, and all the masks are coming off." - Angle on Ace's
"Mr. Anderson, why don't you get out here and explain whose side you're on?" - Angle
"Where were you guys months ago when Ace's and 8's were beating my brains in? The ironic thing is, I was on the way to stand not to toe to toe, but shoulder to shoulder with you Sting. But you weren't there for me." - Anderson
Angle said, "you're either with us, or we're gonna fight".
"I don't have to answer to you, Kurt and as a matter of fact, I always never did like you." - Anderson
"You know what, the feeling is mutual."
Then they fought and Anderson walked off.

They did a small package on Jay Bradley, a Gut Check challenger.
"The opportunities just haven't fallen my way". - Gut Check challenger Jay Bradley, who obviously forgot his short WWE run
"Tonight, we're gonna air more of our dirty laundry. Wait, I'm on my way." - Brooke first talking to the camera's, then someone on the phone.

Kenny King vs. Zema Ion - winner faces Christian York in a #1 Contender's match 
King won with a Royal Flush in a quick match. Xema kicked a cameraman on accident and did a nasty Nakamura reverse slam on Kenny. Pretty good match but too short and it was all moves.

Kenny King after the match said that Christy Hemme will be announcing him as the new X-Division champion on sunday:

Robbie E was mad about losing the Bro-Off and was trying to get Miss Tessmacher to team with him a mixed tag tonight. She said "as long as I get to team with the winner".

Joseph Park said he would meet Hulk, not as a person but "as a wrestler". Then he tried to kick the door open but it was locked.

Tara & Jessie Godderz vs. Robbie T & Miss Tessmacher

Sorry, this one kind of snuck up on me.
T got the win quick here with a powerbomb and afterwards danced and made out with Miss Tessmacher. E seemed jealous and upset.

They did a feature on the Gut Check challenge guys and Cage mentioned that he had a shot before in WWE, but it didn't work out.

Gut Check - Brian Cage vs. Jay Bradley
Jay Bradley had a short WWE run as Ryan Braddock and Brian Cage is a PWG and FCW wrestler, so neither of these guys are really that new or undiscovered.
Jay Bradley won with a lariat in you guessed it, a short match. They got maybe 3 minutes. They both looked good, but what does seeing someone for 3 minutes really tell you?  It was all action with a sweet lariat by Jay.

Ace's had a meeting in the back, with someone in the dark being mad about the "cyborg" out there. It was too dark to tell who it was. They also told Mike Knox that they all agreed not to lose their masks and that he needs to go out and make it right, or get lost.

Joseph Park came out to talk to Hulk.

Park begged to wrestle and Hulk gave him a hard time, saying "I trained 2 years with Matsuda getting my brains beat in".  Hulk eventually agreed.

Brooke called out Hulk from the back and told him to stay there so they can discuss it in public.
Brooke asked if he would "reinstate Mark", then Hulk said he wouldn't reinstate "Bully". Shoot names!

Roode and Aries argued about t-shrts and wearing robes and Aries said they are a "wet dream team".

Jeff Hardy & James Storm vs. Bobby Roode & Austin Aries
Feuding tag team partners - a TNA staple
Hardy won by DQ after Aries used a ring bell. Kaz and Daniels interfered, but I guess that was legal. The heels tried to top each other the whole match, doing the same moves and trying to hurt Hardy more. Storm barely got in here and after the match, Aries and Roode beat up Hardy.

Brooke talked to Mark "Bully Ray" Hogan on the phone. She told him not to come and that Hulk is difficult, but Bully said he was coming anyway.

Hernandez and Chavo got into it with Ryan and Morgan in the back:

Mr. Anderson vs Kurt Angle

"When did you turn into a b!tch? Get your ugly a$$ in here." - Angle| "Watch your language." - Earl Hebner
Mike Knox hit Angle with a hammer on his neck and he got stretchered out. I love how in Ace's, anything can be solved with a hammer shot.

Mike Knox vs Sting

Sting won in a quick squash with a scropion deathlock and hit a hammer shot on the arm/hand after. He went for a second shot and Ace's grabbed Brooke. Knox got almost nothing in here and it really wasn't much.

"You shut your mouth b!tch." - Devon to Brooke

Bully made the save and Hulk came out.
Hulk blamed the whole thing on Mark and said he didn't believe him.
"You're crazy Hulk." - Mark

"I'm a harda$$ and I know I'm a harda$$." - Bully
"I want you to marry me." - Mark

"Not only do I want you to marry me, but I want you to marry me here in front of everybody." - Bully
Dating to married in one month! Makes sense to me...

Overall thoughts: Nothing that bad, or good here. Just a very average and in the middle show. I swear I didn't really mean the Bully Ray Hogan stuff. Really...

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