Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ring of Honor TV 1/6/2013 Review

Ring of Honor TV 1/6/2013 Review

All repeats here from the iPPV. I reviewed the Final Battle 2013 iPPV here:

They showed these matches from Final Battle:
Michael Elgin vs Roderick Strong
Hardy vs Adam Cole
American Wolves vs Fish and O'Reilly

They had an interview with Todd Sinclair. He talked about the Steen/Generico ladder match and how he was helpless. He said he didn't want anyone to get hurt.

The American Wolves cut a promo saying they are on the hunt to take over tag team wrestling.

Other than that, there wasn't anything else here. So if you saw the iPPV, there was basically no reason to watch this.

Next week will be more repeats from the PPV, so I'm going to skip it.

One final note is that I no longer can do gif's for ROH. I like to do them, but ROH asked me not to, so I won't. There will still be pictures and quotes though. Any old ROH gif's I had are gone so if things seem to be missing from ROH reviews, that's why.


  1. If there still will be pictures, that's OK.
    I'm visiting this blog for ROH :)

    1. Pictures are still okay, so I'll definitely be doing them. I'm really waiting for new episodes to be shown. It's been over 2 months since I've seen a fresh ROH TV show due to repeats and due to me going to the tapings.
