Sunday, December 9, 2012

Ring of Honor TV 12/9/2012 Review

Ring of Honor TV 12/9/2012 Review

Last week's show is here:

Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly vs The Bravado's
Lance hit a chaos theory. Harlem hit a blockbuster and a diamond dust. Fish and Kyle hit a total elimination for the win. Good match here.

Rich Silvio vs Jay Lethal
Lethal complained about ROH and promised to get a title shot at Final Battle whether he was in the championship match or not. Since he won SOTF, he can do this. Lethal messed up his handstand into the ropes into an elbow spot and looked like he hurt his neck. Lethal ended up winning with a lethal injection.  

ROH Title - Kevin Steen vs Mike Bennett
Corino came out with a white cowboy hat for commentary and the crowd chanted, "JCL". Maria did not come out here. I don't know why. Bob Evans did come out though. Steen wore a pink "I'm a lady" shirt, mocking Maria's "I'm a lady" shirt (Thanks to Johnny Cimpo for that). Steen attacked early and hit a stiff hanging DDT. Steen hit an asai moonsault and a top rope splash. Steen threw Mike out of the ring right onto Bob Evans. Steen then hit him with a powerbomb into the apron. Steen hit a package piledriver for the win. Good match but it was mostly a squash. Sucks to be Bennett as I thought this was going to be a breakout match. Steen ripped on Lethal and then Lethal came down and had to be held back

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