Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ring of Honor TV 12/1/2012 Review

Ring of Honor TV 12/1/2012 Review

Last week's show is here:

As has been mentioned before, I attended these tapings and therefore already saw the matches. I don't want to review them again so here was my original review on them:

The Headbangers vs The Briscoe Brothers
Mark got a face first suplex off the apron and a backdrop over the top to the floor. Jay got the win here with a roll-up. This was a decent match with a good pace. After the match, The Briscoes ripped up a "Real mean wear skirts sign".

Adam Page vs QT Marshall

QT's robe is indeed really awesome in person. I've never seen something shine like that. QT got his nose busted open from a cartwheel kick. Page hit a top rope splash and got a knee in the gut. Then he was hit with a running dominator for the QT win. After the match, Prince Nana came down and did a dive on RD Evans from the top rope. He then ripped up RD's clothes, leaving him in his underwear. We then got a "this is wrestling" chant, but I don't know why. RD cut a promo blaming Nigel for this in an angry tone. Nigel told him to "keep his pants on". Nigel said RD had genitals the size of a 4-year old and signed RD vs Nana for Final Battle.

Davey Richards vs Michael Elgin

Truth came out and promised not to let Elgin down again. Truth then said Elgin needed to promise not to fight Strong at Final Battle and he would lead him to the title. Elgin said no.

Elgin hit Davey with an impressive deadlift superplex. Elgin hit a falling death valley driver into the buckles on Davey. The crowd went nuts for this whole match. Elgin then deadlifted Davey again from a triangle choke into a buckle bomb. Elgin hit a chaos theory on Davey. They traded machine gun Kawada kicks and knees. Elgin hit a twisting white noise on Davey from the top, a twisting splash, a buckle bomb and a liger bomb for the win. Excellent match that will be a MOTYC. The crowd chanted "that was awesome" and loved all of this. Rating:****

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