Monday, December 17, 2012

Ring of Honor TV 12/15/2012 Review

Ring of Honor TV 12/15/2012 Review

Last week's show is here:

Vinny Marseglia vs Davey Richards
Richards won with a kick. This was all squash here.

Mike Mondo came out and cut a long interview with Kevin Kelly. He talked about getting injured and talked about his dreams of being a wrestler. Strong came out and kicked Mondo's crutch. Elgin came out but ended up getting hit with a crutch from Strong. Due to the audio, it was hard to hear anything all night, especially Mondo's interview.

Steel City Street Fight - Steve Corino vs Jay Briscoe
Corino wore a suit and wrestled in it minus the jacket. Jay hit Corino with a full water bottle and a nike shoe. Jay hit a double stomp on Corino on a table. Jay also hit the ring bell with a hammer over Corino's head. Corino used a roll of quarters that Jimmy Jacob's gave him. Mark Briscoe then came out with a wheelbarrow filled with chairs. He threw the chairs into the ring except one which he pushed into Jacobs from the wheelbarrow. Corino suplexed Jay onto a chair. Mark brought out a guard rail which got stuck on the curtain. They almost pulled the stage down with that. Corino backdropped Jay through a table. Jay suplexed Corino from the top through a guard rail held up by chairs. Jay then got the pin as C&C came down to dive on people. Corino ended up getting stretchered out.

Steen cut a promo with El Generico's mask to end the show.

Next week, we finally get shows I haven't seen! Provided its not all repeats from the iPPV, I'll be back to doing pics/gifs/quotes.

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