Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ring of Honor TV 11/24/2012 Review

Ring of Honor TV 11/24/2012 Review

As with last week, I already saw this and did not want to watch it again. Here are the results and my thoughts on the matches:

WGTT came out and complained about not getting a title shot at Final Battle. Nigel then said if they win their match, they can get a shot.

WGTT vs Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexander
Haas ripped on the Pitt Panthers losing to Notre Dame and got big heat for it. Coleman got lots of air here flying around. BJ Whitmer and Rhett Titus came out. There was a long heat segment on Coleman until Alexander hit the Trouble in Paradise kick. Alexander did Masaaki Mochizuki's triangle enzugiri kick and then a fight broke out with Haas hitting Whitmer, then getting beaten up by Whitmer and Titus. Shelton hit a top rope belly to belly suplex on Coleman but Alexander hit him with a splash from the top while he was down for the pin. Good match with lots of heat. Rating:***

Ryan McBride vs Bobby Fish
This was mostly a squash with Fish winning with a high kick. Fish did a dive, a top rope headbutt and a moonsault. Veda Scott interviewed him after and mentioned Japan. Fish said he was looking forward to seeing what happened with Davey and Kyle O'Reilly.

Davey came out and called out O'Reilly. He mentioned that Kyle got married and Davey said he didn't miss his partner, but his friend. They shook hands until Kyle turned on Davey. Fish came out and they kicked Davey and beat him up.

ROH Tag Titles - Jimmy Jacobs and Steve Corino vs BJ Whitmer and Rhett Titus

Jacobs hit a reverse hurricanrana on BJ. BJ hit a suplex over the top on Jacobs and both crashed on the floor hard. WFTT came out and hit a move on BJ on the rails. Corino then pinned Titus with a backdrop hold. This was alright but I'm not into either team. After the match, WGTT beat up Rhett and choked him. They did a long beatdown on him.

Overall thoughts: This was one of the weaker tapings. I wasn't too into any of the matches besides the WGTT tag and even that could have been better. The better stuff is yet to come in the next 3 weeks.

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