Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ring of Honor TV 11/17/2012 Review

Ring of Honor TV 11/17/2012 Review

It appears that yesterday's ROH show was show 1 from the tapings I went to, so here are the results and my thoughts on the matches. There is no point in doing more with it since I already know what happens.

The Briscoes came out and called out the locker room minus Lethal, SCUM and WGTT. They announced Nigel as the new match maker and Nigel promised to clean up ROH. Nigel said the current ROH isn't as awesome as the old one used to be.

Allysin Kay vs MsChif
Stiff kicks and clotheslines from Kay. Mschif hit a low blow and a Code Green. Good match which the crowd liked. Rating: **

Tadarius Thomas vs Roderick Strong

Truth chased after Roddy but was ignored. Truth was at the booth with no hat on. Strong threw TD into the post on the apron from the burning hammer position. Strong won with a suplex into a backbreaker. After the match, Strong said he was done with the House of Truth called Truth a "little piece of sh!t". This was really stiff and it was quite good. Tadarius looked pretty good again with his awesome capoiera. The crowd was into it. The finish was NOT an Orange Crush.

Nigel announced a new TV title belt and said that Jerry Lynn would be at Final Battle.

ROH TV title - Adam Cole vs Kyle O'Reilly
Kyle had a cool enzugiri on Cole when Cole tried to dive to the outside. He also dropkicked Cole off of a crossbody from the top. Davey Richards came out and sat at the booth. Kyle took a DDT on his head on the apron. The crowd chanted, "This is Awesome", then both did a Frye/Takayama punching spot. Cole won with the Florida Key in a strong match. The crowd loved this. Rating:***1/4

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