Sunday, November 4, 2012

BJW 10/29/2012 Construction Site Deathmatch - Abdullah Kobayashi vs Yuko Miyamoto

BJW 10/29/2012 - Construction Site Deathmatch - Abdullah Kobayashi vs Yuko Miyamoto

The finish
Abdullah Kobayashi beat Yuko Miyamoto with an elbow off the top. This sucked. Abby loves to use the light tubes, but he also loves to break them and smack them away like they don't hurt at all. If he can break them without hurting himself, why should I believe that the light tubes hurt him or his opponent? I don't, and therefore find all Abby light tube matches to be a waste these days. This was a poorly built match. They went through the light tubes early then Abby sold his knee like he got hurt after the first scaffold fall. The only problem was that he forgot all about it after a figure four spot then climbed the scaffold again without a hitch. This used to be my favorite gimmick match in the world but it served little purpose other than a place for each guy to jump off of. Rating:*1/2


  1. Love the reviews the gifs and pictures totally add to it. I've got a lot of stuff I need to watch now!

  2. Thanks man, I appreciate it! So much good wrestling out there, so little time!
