Friday, October 5, 2012

WWE Superstars 10/4/2012 Review

WWE Superstars 10/4/2012 Review

Wade Barrett vs Tyson Kidd
The finish
Wade Barrett beat Tyson Kidd with the Souvenir in a great match. They treated Tyson as a non-jobber here and he totally shined. He flew everywhere and lit Wade up like a christmas tree with kicks. Wade was really awesome here too with his new smashmouth style. This was really a surprise out of nowhere and I DEMAND a rematch. Great match. Rating:***
David Otunga vs Michael McGillicutty
Scott Stanford wisely brought up how they used to be tag champions in Nexus and that they blamed each other for the loss. This is an odd match as both are heels.
Michael goes for a version of the Sliding D
David Otunga beat Michael McGillicutty with a standing spinebuster called the Verdict. This was a decent match also. Michael got the crowd into him a little and Otunga was good at wrestling kind of like a Monty Brown. Otunga controlled most of it and it seems they have plans for him. Rating:*1/2
Tensai vs Yoshi Tatsu
Two former NJPW wrestlers going at it here!
Tensai beat Yoshi Tatsu with the senton. Good match here. Yoshi hit some stiff kicks and looked very good against Tensai. Tensai didn't do too much besides the finish, but Yoshi is credible enough that it's okay. Rating:**

Tensai got on the mic after and said "This is Tensai" then something about red. That's all I could translate.
The Uso's did the haka
The Uso Brothers - Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso vs The Rhodes Scholars - Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes
Matt Strike explained that the Rhodes Scholar is an award given to the most intelligent and most fit student at Oxford, which is how the team got their name. Nice job Striker.
"Stay down" - Damien Sandow
The Rhodes Scholars defeated the Uso Brothers when Sandow hit a cross-arm neckbreaker. This was a decent tag match. They kept it pretty basic with lots of heel control segments and the eventual hot tag for the faces. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough as Sandow hit the neckbreaker on Jimmy Uso. Nice match here but it could have been more I think. Rating:*1/2

Overall thoughts: Good edition of Superstars. All of the matches were decent with the opener being a barnburner. It's definitely worth checking out for that alone.

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