Friday, October 19, 2012

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 10/19/2012

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 10/19/2012 

Last week's show is here:

"On Main Event, luck struck Kofi Kingston and he escaped with my championship. The last 48 hours have been a living hell. Kofi, I want you to cherish this title reign because it will be very short. Tonight on Miz TV, I am revoking my rematch clause for the IC championship at Hell in A Cell." - The Miz
"I was your mentor on NXT and we didn't get along. You broke up with AJ Lee because you didn't get along. It's obvious Daniel, you are the problem." - The Miz
"The big red monster with the mask is obviously the sensible one." - The Miz
"I've won tag titles with 7-foot giants, deranged psychopaths and even the Deadman himself. If Daniel Bryan is the problem, I am the solution." - Kane
"I am not the problem. I am the reason we will win at Hell in A Cell because quite frankly, the devil's favorite demon is nothing without the world's toughest vegan." - DB
"The world's toughest vegan? It's like being the world's tallest dwarf. Of course, you've got that one covered too." - Kane

Big Show then came out.
"If I hear you open your mouth one more time about 45 seconds, I'm gonna knock you out." - Big Show
Dolph Ziggler then came out.
"At Hell in A Cell, after Sheamus and Big Show beat the living hell out of each other, I'm going to cash in my briefcase." - Dolph Ziggler
Everyone then got into an argument and Booker T came out.

"Save it Booker, we know what you're gonna do. You're gonna make a main event match with everybody in this ring. What's it gonna be Booker? A tag match? A Handicap tag match?" - Miz
"You are so creative. Can you dig that sucka? Goodbye." - Miz
"First it will be Team Hell No to face Dolph Ziggler and the Big Show."
He then signed Randy Orton vs The Miz.

Randy Orton vs The Miz
Alberto and Ricardo watch from the suites
"Randy Orton is afraid of Randy Orton. Randy Orton is nothing. I am the new apex predator in WWE." - ADR
"How much more can Miz take? Getting his face kicked off just 48 hours ago. Getting kicked on Monday and still, Randy Orton has a hard time beating him." - JBL
Anyone know why the ref is wearing gloves?
Randy Orton beat Miz with an RKO. The focus here was on anything but the match. JBL was busy arguing about Miz, they keep showing ADR and they hit two commercial breaks during this. It looked alright, but after all of that, how can you tell?

"How about it? Give me one more match with Wade Barrett tonight." - Sheamus
"To make sure that we have a winner, let's say we make it a lumberjack match." - Teddy Long
"I never said this before in my life, but, I feel ya playa!" - Sheamus

The Rhodes Scholars vs Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd
Cody Rhodes beat Tyson Kidd with a kick in a short but good match. They kept a quick pace but this didn't go 3 minutes tops, which is too bad.

"How about Wade Barrett vs Sheamus in a lumberjack match?" - Teddy Long
"Teddy, I had that idea since last week." - Eve
"What?" - Teddy
"You must have overheard me talking about it. If I didn't know any better, I'd think Teddy was trying to take credit for my ideas." - Eve
"Teddy come on man, you gon' have to do better than that." - Booker T
Team Hell No vs Dolph Ziggler and The Big Show
"Mike Tyson was a vegan, but not when he ate Evander Holyfield's ear." - JBL
"Look at that. That is a claw. When Fritz Von Erich first broke out the claw, this is how he did it, right on the midsection." - JBL
Daniel Bryan beat Dolph Ziggler with the No Lock. This was a fun match. Kane and DB are great to watch and Big Show was pretty good here terrorizing DB. This match had a little bit of everything and the crowd really liked it, as did I. Rating:**
The Rhodes Scholars came down and jumped DB and Kane
"Country Bumpkins making Honking Tonking Rootin' Tootin' making silly music that no one else in the whole world cares about." - Antonio Cesaro at Sun Studio
"Sun Studio is no longer apart of Antonio Cesaro's America." - Antonio Cesaro
Antonio Cesaro vs Ted Dibiase
Antonio Cesaro beat Ted Dibiase with a Gotch-Style Neutralizer in a decent match. The winner was never in doubt here and this was kept pretty short and simple. I would be up for a rematch as this was decent.
"WWE, you're looking at the greatest band in history." - Heath Slater
Heath Slater vs Brodus Clay
"This is what happens if the Yeti met with a Britney Spears. A trailer park sea monster." - JBL
Heath Slater beat Brodus Clay with a version of the From Lust to Dust snapmare driver. This was also really quick. Slater mostly just survived and won due to a distraction from his crew.

Wade Barrett cut a promo saying that he wants Big Show to repay his favor when he beats up Sheamus tonight and when Show wins the title at Hell in a Cell.

Layla vs Natalya with Eve at the commentary booth
"She lost her title and she can't even get a date." - Eve
"She can't get a date? Bless her heart." - JBL
Layla beat Natalya in quick fashion with a right high kick. What they showed was good, but it was again less than 2 minutes long. Could have used double that time.
"Kaitlyn, I've got something for you to see." - Teddy Long
"This is Eve's iPad. Where did you find this?" - Kaitlyn
"She left it in Booker's office. Look at it. Now Kaitlyn, Eve has to be stopped. You can do what you have to do with this information. " - Teddy Long
"I'm gonna confront Eve about this but until then, you put it back where she won't find it." - Kaitlyn
Lumberjack Match - Sheamus vs Wade Barrett
The heels pulled Wade out of the way and Sheamus dove on them
Sheamus beat Wade Barrett with a Brogue Kick. This was pretty much a mess. Tons of focus on the lumberjacks, little on the match. The lumberjacks broke out in a fight and then DB/Kane came down and cleared them out in their pursuit of the Rhodes Scholars. Sheamus grabbed Cody and Wade went for Sheamus but Cody left and Wade got hit with a Brogue Kick.

Dolph then ran down and hit Sheamus with a Zig Zag and tried to cash the suitcase in. Big Show punched Dolph though and he couldn't. Show then got on the mic and said he will knock Sheamus out and to look at Dolph.

Overall thoughts: The show wasn't bad, but everything was short. Too short. The angles were good here but the matches were all wastes of time. Skip this one unfortunately. This should have been a good show, but wrestling was not the priority here.

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