Wednesday, October 24, 2012

World of Sport 11/22/1975 - Clive Myers vs Steve Grey

World of Sport 11/22/1975 - Clive Myers vs Steve Grey
This bout took place at Woodville Hall in Grey's End.

Clive Myers is the West Indies Welterweight Champion. He's held two weightlifting records and his special moves are the suplex and the dropkick. He is a photographer in his spare time.
"He got his leg grapevined and is in the prawn position. I've never seen that before." - Announcer
The finish
Clive Myers beat Steve Grey with a pin. This wasn't as good as I had remembered it. There was good wrestling but alot and I mean alot of comedy.  I think this one was meant more to entertain the fans than to focus on a good match. It was entertaining but just not the technical clinic I remembered. Rating:***

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