Monday, October 22, 2012

Introducing the ProWresBlog Championship!

I wanted to do something different for my site and may have finally found it.

For those who follow football(soccer), there is a virtual football championship that has been going on for years. The way it works is simple. A champion was crowned many years ago after a match and each match the team has is a title defense. If the team loses, they lose the title. If they win, they live to defend it another day.

I haven't seen this really done anywhere else and I thought it would be a fun addition to the site. I had been debating about which match should be the inagural match for the title when they announced a champion vs champion match on Raw(see here - ). I took this as a sign and figured it would be perfect to do this.

Here are the official rules for the ProWresBlog Championship:
- Title cannot change hands due to count out, time limit or disqualification. In the event of this happening, the champion retains.
- Every television or PPV match is a championship match. I did not include house shows due to the odd results and due to how hard it can be to find actual results.
- For now, barring an inter-promotional match or a champion jumping ship, this will remain a WWE title only. If one of the two situations I mentions happens, I will make a ruling.
- In the case of a champion vacating a title, the decision match for that title will serve as the ProWresBlog championship match.
- The title can change hands in gimmick matches and the winner of the said match will become the champion.

ProWresBlog Championship History:
1. CM Punk
     - Defeated Sheamus in a Champion vs Champion match on RAW 10/22/2012
2. John Cena
    - Defeated CM Punk on RAW 11/12/2012
3. CM Punk (2)
    - Defeated John Cena and Ryback in a three-way on 11/18/2012
4. The Rock
    - Defeated CM Punk at The Royal Rumble 2013 on 1/27/2013
5. John Cena
    - Defeated The Rock at Wrestlemania 29 on 4/7/2013
6. Daniel Bryan
    - Defeated John Cena at Summerslam on 8/18/2013

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