Sunday, October 7, 2012

GAEA Champ Forum #3 6/17/95 GAEA SECOND BATTLE STORY taped 5/14/95

GAEA Champ Forum #3 6/17/95 GAEA SECOND BATTLE STORY taped 5/14/95

They start out talking to Meiko Satomura, Sonoko Kato and KAORU.

GAEA NEO SOUL 3 on 3 MIX: Toshie Uematsu & Sonoko Kato & Yasuko Kuragaki vs. Meiko Satomura & Toshie Sato & Tomoko Kuzumi 5:34 of 14:44
Meiko Satomura counters Sonoko Kato's arm throw
Young Toshie Uematsu
Toshie Sato aka Sugar Sato, Meiko Satomura and Tomoko Kuzumi aka Azumi Hyuga
Sonoko Kato, Yasuko Kuragaki and Toshie Uematsu
Toshie Uematsu beat Meiko Satomura with a top rope body press for the win. I'm still not 100% sure who was who here. I think I got Sonoko Kato's team down but definitely still working on the other one. This was a good match. This was lightning fast with your typical opening match moves. It was clipped though which sucked.

Chigusa Nagayo & Meiko Satomura vs. Eagle Sawai & Keiko Aono 9:35
I've never seen that happen before.
Meiko Satomura gets PWNED as Chigusa Nagayo refuses to tag her. Both Chiggy and Eagle Sawai wanted the girls to fight it out themselves.
Chigusa Nagayo lights Keiko Aono up

I want a Meiko Satomura vs ring ropes match.
Meiko beats Aono with a cross armbreaker
Meiko Satomura beat Keiko Aono with a cross armbreaker in a great match. The crowd was super hot here, Meiko was so energetic and fiery and Chigusa let the younger girls shine. In today's age, this would have never happened. This was a really great hidden gem and totally worth checking out. Rating:***1/2
Keiko Aono goes for an attack after the bell and Eagle Sawai pulls her off while Meiko Satomura screams at her.
KAORU & Sonoko Kato vs. Michiko Nagashima & Miki Handa 19:37
Michiko Nagashima beat Sonoko Kato after a senton from the top. This was a great match. Lots of hate and nice brawling with a super hot crowd to top it off. It went a little longer than it should have but it was no doubt awesome. They kept it simple and went with their charisma. Kato was so over here and KAORU sounded really cool on the mic after. Definitely worth a look here as it was a great match. Rating:***3/4
They then closed the show with some in studio stuff above.

Overall thoughts: Great disc. All 3 matches were good with the last two being really awesome. Definitely a must see disc.

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