Sunday, October 21, 2012

CMLL 9/25/2012 - Hombre Bala Jr., Pegasso, Super Halcon Jr. vs Arkángel de la Muerte, Hijo del Signo, Hooligan

CMLL 9/25/2012 - Hombre Bala Jr., Pegasso, Super Halcon Jr. vs Arkángel de la Muerte, Hijo del Signo, Hooligan
The faces took the first fall here.

There was an awesome anti-violence commercial:
Hijo Del Signo pins Pegasso for the win in the 2nd fall
The heels beat the faces with a suplex and a Styles Clash in the 3rd fall.

This wasn't that great. I like Halcon, but he's still not there after a year and since he was in this the most, he brought it down. The best thing about this was the PSA commercial. Rating:*

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