All Japan Women's 11/14/1990 Wrestlemarinepia 1990 - Honey Wings vs Etsuko Mita and Mima Shimoda
Maeda green, Takahashi pink |
Shimoda black, Mita white |
The finish - Mika(pink) misjudges and bellyflops |
Maeda and Takahashi got the win after double headbutts. Takahashi didn't get any air and basically bellyflopped on the mat which was rather funny. Aside from that, this was a strong match. They kept a very fast pace the whole time, fought for every move and did bring the stiffness. Mita was throwing people like Lesnar. Mika and Maeda flew all around with Maeda looking good doing it. They didn't go anything too crazy here but I loved the fighting for each move and the submission work was very good. These girls couldn't have been any more than 2 years into this, but the Honey Wings looked like pros already and were already better than today's WWE Divas 5 years into it. I'm still not sold on Shimoda at this point though as she doesn't stick out. Really good stuff and if you like solid wrestling, this is for you. Rating:***1/2