Friday, September 27, 2013

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 9/27/2013 Results and Review

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 9/27/2013 Results and Review

The Good:
The Shield vs RVD, Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler
This was as good as you would expect. The big highlights here were Reigns turning DZ inside out with a spear, Zig backdropping Rollins while on his knee and the finishing stretch as a whole. This was just a really fun match like always with these people. Reigns was pretty good here and he had a wacky throw on Dolph from the piledriver position where he tossed him straight on his butt. Rating:***1/4

The Real Americans vs The Prime Time Players
This was fun mostly due to the RA's. Cesaro is on another level and is easily the best wrestler in the company, though DB and Rollins would be close. His big swing was really great here and the crowd loved it. Titus was pretty good too here. The only bad thing here was that Zeb told the crowd to stop chanting We The People beforehand which made no sense at all. He's been telling the crowd to chant it and since it is over, WWE is making him stop. So stupid.

Big Show's segment with Triple H. He put up a pretty good cry and brought some nice emotion in to how much he needed this and was bothered. HHH then came in and mocked him, being a total jerk here with fake crying and all.

The Bad:
The Main Event was virtually the same thing that happened on Raw with Orton beating the crap out of Miz. It was terrible uncreative and uninteresting.

AJ recruiting Tamina as her bodyguard. This is probably a decent role for her but Tamina really sucks. She can't wrestle and has negative charisma, but all she has to do in this is look tough, so maybe she can handle it.

Triple H's opening segment with The Miz. He mostly buried Miz and talked about how he keeps blowing chance after chance. He's right, but you shouldn't remind your fans that Miz is a loser.

Cameron wrestling. She's gonna hurt someone and it's probably going to be herself. She rushes her moves and can't nail one thing clean. She made AJ look good though by being so bad.

All of the Raw recaps. Half this show was devoted to Raw. They must have cut back to at least 7 different segments from Raw in the first 45 minutes of this show. The might as well call this "Raw: The Expanded Edition".

You have Rollins vs Dean Ambrose and you have a dirty finish to end a short but promising match. Why?

Other thoughts:
Hornswoggle has one of the best jobs in the world. His job is to be short and take an odd bump or two. What I wouldn't give for that job.

Alberto/Truth wasn't bad. It was just a quick squash so there's not much to say. I've been digging Truth lately though, as he has been exciting.

Los Matadores finally debut on Raw. It's about time.

Tonight's WTF Moment:
Jinder Mahal and The Great Khali both tried to charm "The Cobra". Yes, they were playing musical instruments to a sock while it was on Santino. My jaw dropped during this one. Really? Really? GLOW would even shoot down that gimmick idea. Also, why did Khali randomly have an instrument with him? If you're gonna go this route, you have to have musical instruments fall out of Khali when he bumps like if he was in Wrestlemania The Arcade Game.

Overall thoughts: The Shield and Cesaro were good and The Big Show did some good acting but this was all stuff we've seen already. The theme of this show was doing as little original stuff as possible. Most of the show focused on things that happened on Raw and made me question why I was watching this show and not Raw. Skip this one.


  1. I really liked this review's style ! and I agree with you on many of those things before even watching the show.

    I thought that since the brand-split, wwe has been stuck in this repeated mode and rematches after rematches every week on all shows that almost nothing seems really really interesting anymore ...

    the only things saving wwe now are all of NXT's awesomeness, and the original indy wrestlers killing it every night on the main roster.

    just wish that cesaro never lost his US title to kofi earlier this year ... ambrose would've been better with the IC title in first place, too.

    1. It has just gotten really bad with the repeating. Before at least SD was it's own show most of the time, now it's really just the same thing over and over again.

  2. Very poor .... Where is the Pictures???
