Wednesday, March 6, 2013

AAA on Televisa 3/2/2013

AAA on Televisa 3/2/2013

Last week's show is here:

Argenis & Flamita vs Argos & Último Gladiador
Argenis got the win after a top rope hurricanrana on Gladiador. This was spot fu at its finest. There was no meaning to anything and there was no flow. Very little wrestling as well. It was spot after spot and half of them were messed up. This was just a stunt show and crap. If you've ever seen any early 2000's indy stuff, then this will be similar.

AAA Trios Titles - Monster Clown, Murder Clown, Psycho Clown vs Máscara Año 2000 Jr., Texano Jr.
The Clowns got the win with a frogsplash. The match was a little too long but it was alright. They did some dives and the crowd was pretty into it, so I guess it worked. The clowns will win no speed awards though, that's for sure as their topes were slow and everyone waiting around for them to dive broke kayfabe badly.

Overall thoughts: Skip this. The first match was bad and the second I guess was passable but nothing you need to see.

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