Thursday, November 29, 2012

WWE NXT 11/28/2012 Review

WWE NXT 11/28/2012 Review

Last weeks show is here:

"Tonight marks my return to the show that started it all for me." - Daniel Bryan
"I have a few demands. First I demand that nobody says yes to me. Second, since I am a handsome looking man, I demand that nobody calls me a goat face and lastly.." - DB
"I demand that you stay out of my way." - DB
They then did their usual arguing bit.

We have a new commentator named Tom Phillips.

Trent Barretta vs Leo Kruger
Some attacked Trent last week (see here: ) and Kruger was found at the scene, so obviously we would assume it was him. However the announcers are making it seem that Kassius Ohno may have put him up to it.
"He considers his trophies on his hypothetical mantle his friends." - Tony Phillips
Leo Kruger beat Trent Barretta with a Kruger's End. This was alright but nothing too special. The crowd was totally dead and that's about all I can say. It was pretty much a squash. Rating:*1/2

Xavier Woods vs Memo Montenegro
As mentioned before, Memo Montenegro is Alberto Del Rio's brother and looks more like Ricardo Rodriguez's brother.
"I am quite the connoisseur of funk myself. Alot of people didn't know that." - Jim Ross
"He's working on his PhD, so he will be Dr. Xavier Woods in the future." - Jim Ross
"He says he's trained in hip-hopkido which is similar to capoeira." - Tom Phillips
"He's a third generation wrestling superstar from a mexican dynasty." - Tom Phillips
"Here's a guy who's probably been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, reminiscent of Alberto Del Rio." - Tony Phillips
Memo Montenegro is not a third-generation wrestler to my knowledge. He's second generation along with Alberto Del Rio as they are sons of Dos Cara.
"It's morphin' time." - Xavier Woods, who indeed did say that.
The finish
Xavier Woods beat Memo Montenegro with a headspring into a clothesline. No name for that one yet. This also had the problem of having little heat and it was all squash and headlocks. I thought it was a dud.

Audrey Marie vs Emma
"Audrey Marie, the country cowgirl." - Tom Phillips
"I feel bad for both these ladies. Neither have a last name." - JR
Emma was dancing to Audrey Marie's music which is kind of dumb. Emma is from Australia.
"A unique submission manuever." - Tom Phillips
"It's a body scissors, Tom." - JR
"Thank you JR." - Tom Phillips
"A giant uh play there." - Tom Phillips
"That's quite the crossbody there, Tom." - JR
The finish
Audrey Marie beat Emma with a swinging side slam. I don't know if there is an official name for it but Chuck Palumbo used to do this often and I think Umaga did too. This wasn't that bad, but little heat. Audrey Marie is obviously going to be the next one they put in WWE as they were pushing her on commentary and they've redone her character.
"This was supposed to be an interview with Roman Reigns but I've gotten a Roman Reigns press release." - Tony Dawson
"Due to previous engagements, Roman Reigns is asking to take a Reigns check." - Tony Dawson
Michael Cole came out to host this and used Kerwin White's old theme song. I like that song, but why do they have to ruin it with Michael Cole? Don't disrespect Kerwin White.
"You know and these people know that if me and you go one-on-one in this ring, you can't beat me." - Seth Rollins
"You are a born loser." - Jinder Mahal
"In two weeks, I will personally humble you in the middle of this ring." - Jinder Mahal
"You will never be the championb Jinder, because you don't have the heart of a champion." - Seth Rollins
After more arguing, they finally went at it:

WWE Tag Team Championship - Team Hell No vs Michael McGullicutty and Johnny Curtis
McGullicutty is now going by the nickname of "Mr. Intensity".
"Way back in the day on NXT, Johnny Curtis won NXT and won a shot at the WWE tag team championship. He's cashing it in tonight after all this time. That time by the way his tag team partner was R-Truth. So Curtis selects McGillicutty and says I want my tag title shot on NXT." JR
JR really went through great lengths to explain this one, but it beats nothing.
The finish
Daniel Bryan beat Michael McGillicutty with the No Lock. Surprised to see Mike drop the fall but someone had to do. The match was not special or that interesting but the crowd loved DB.

Overall thoughts: I didn't like this one. The crowd really sucked except for the main, Tom Phillips is bad and I hate the mirror universes with Jinder and Seth not playing up to their gimmicks. I find that super frustrating and it makes me lose interest in both guys since I don't know which character is the real one. There were also a ton of people missing from the show which hurt some of the storylines they had going on. Skip this one. I wanted to.

1 comment :

  1. "don't disrespect kerwin white" thumbs up for this one, man.
